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EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 15
Country: USA
Preferred Car/Track:XRR/BL1
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: 5 seconds off WR? idk nvr really checked
How Active Are You? Play at least an hour every day of the week
What Kind of Control do you use? Xbox 360 Gamepad
Time Zone: EST GMT-5 I think?
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
I remind you that the RB4 doesnt have a moded Exhaust system and a bunch of other parts
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
XRR is my fav for this track.
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
Silverstone and The Nurburgrings North Ring
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
Quote from Kirill.D :Scawen has talked about this multiple times, they won't do this thing intentionally to avoid turning LFS into Midtown Madness... LFS is a racing simulator, not a cruise game, they have told this several times...

Midtown Madness did keep me occupied though =D
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
well i think if you play this game, you enjoy cars obviously. And most people that know cars tell by the engine sounds when to shift. At least i do
BOV Sound Question
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
I dloaded a BOV sound pack that goes in the data/sounds folder and i was wondering how to put those in the game. help?
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
hey can you make skins for multiple cars in this the blue color (LFS Text light blue) with this logo ... r_9_logo_by_DiabloJin.jpg
Import Sector Racing Skin/Logo Help
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
I would like to know if anyone would help me finding a logo/paint a skin for my Team? Our colors are Light Blue (Like the light blue text color in LFS) Black and White? These would be for all cars except Open Wheels. Mainly GTRs though. Help would be greatly appreciated. I would like to go for a Race Liverly look with a sponsor box and number on it. And the Team name on the car
Last edited by EDC SlideTech, .
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
Preferably the White One

Top Secret RB4 request
EDC SlideTech
S2 licensed
I'm lookin for a Top Secret performance Rb4 skin. If anyone can make one or knows where i can find one let me know.